onsdag 21. oktober 2015

My experience with "Grammar-to-go"

I have made a Prezi to show you what my group did in our practice period, and my experiences using the "Grammar-to-go" method.



1 kommentar:

  1. This was a nice and clear presentation of the grammar-to-go teaching scheme, and it was a brilliant idea to let pupils display their products on the wall and share them with other pupils. This would also have given them a sense of accomplishment, I think. It would have been nicer if you had given some more details about what kinds of linguistic aspects (e.g., grammar topic) you have tried to cover with the teaching scheme. How were prepositions presented/introduced in the teaching scheme, and why have you chosen that specific grammar topic? Remember that the grammar-to-go model aims to put "grammar" in a meaningful context, so even if "grammar" is not a central part of the lesson, it shouldn´t be given too little focus.
    I would also have appreciated if you mentioned any challenges you faced in carrying out the teaching scheme with more concrete examples, but all in all, great job! (By the way, I like Fagereng skole and wish I could send my kid to that school.. :))
