fredag 22. januar 2016


For this assignment I was asked to answer two different questions about pronunciation.

Do you think pronunciation is difficult to teach and learn and, if so, why?

      I think that some part of pronunciation can be difficult to teach. For instant the difference between /s/ and /z/ sound and /w/ and /v/ sound. This is something that many Norwegian pupils struggle with, and I believe it might be difficult for the teacher to teach it.

I know from my own experience that a lot of teachers, including me, use repeating as a way of teaching pronunciation. I believe this method could be both a good and a bad way for the pupils to learn. They get to hear the words from others, but it might be good for the pupils to learn in different ways. For instants I believe the pupils might learn pronunciation easier is by using “tongue twisters”. I tried it myself the other day, and I learned how to pronounce the /v/ sound correctly. I know that my teachers didn’t use tongue twisters when I went to school, and I think I might have learned better if they had used it. I think this will be easier because it is a fun, interesting and effective way to learn pronunciation.

What model of pronunciation (e.g., RP (British), American, or something else) would you use in teaching pronunciation and why?

      I believe, from my own experience, that American English is easier to learn than British. I remember when I was learning British pronunciation, and what I remember the most is how difficult it was to say the words correctly.  Later I was introduced to American/Canadian English when I went to Canada, and suddenly I was one of the best in my class back home. I thought it was a lot easier to make myself understood. I believe it could be the same for my pupils, but I also believe that it is up to each pupil to decide for them self which model they want to use. I will tell my pupils that it’s is up to them to decide which model they want to use, and that they are allowed to try speaking both before deciding.  
      I know that using American English might be difficult for both me and the pupils, because of the workbooks and CD’s in school where everything is in British English. This might be a problem, but I also look at it as a possibility to find some new material to show the pupils. 

1 kommentar:

  1. Good point about giving pupils freedom to choose which model they want to follow especially if they are already familiar with one or the other model from their own experience outside school. Yes, I think most teachers who speak with an American accent may face a dilemma when it comes to choosing a model of English in teaching pronunciation, but it´s good to hear that you stay positive in thinking that having British-accent-based textbooks opens a possibility for using other resources. :)
